Additional Services

Being homeowners ourselves we understand updating your home is often an ongoing process. It is a huge investment and is likely one on a honey-do-list that you have been wanting to accomplish for a while. Whether your home additions are functional improvements or guilty pleasures, Altered Earth can help give some perspective and set realistic expecations for your space. We are here to unlock your property's charm and turn it into the vision of your dreams, whatever that may be.

Water, Fire & Sound

Few things in this world capture our imagination like water, fire, and sound. Though vastly different, each amenity offers its own unique ability to add comfort and ambiance to your home. Whether envisioning warms hearths, cascading waterfalls, or weightless melodies, we love finding creative ways to incorporate each element seamlessly into your property. Treat yourself and your family to a little tranquility by adding a spoonful of charm to your evenings and weekends.

Lighting & Irrigation

Two systems that can add luxury and convenience to many projects are lighting and irrigation systems. Whether your lighting needs are aesthetic, functional, or both. Altered Earth can help you find the perfect fixture to enhance your home's beauty an ambiance. Creating an irrigation system is another service that provides homeowners with added value. These systems afford you the ability to shrink your chore list and extend happy hour all summer long.


Perhaps, its the Northwesterly gray climate but many marvel at the effect a little pop of color can have on a property. Softscapes are a broad category including: shrubs, vines, flowers, bushes, ground covers, and trees. Our team of planting specialists assist in formulating a plan that accentuates your home's character and complimentary your lifestyle. Whether it's vibrant colors, low maintenance shrubbery, or sweet smells and edibles, softscapes truly complete an outdoor space.